
Cover Image for Selection Sort

Selection Sort

An algorithm that selects the smallest value or element from an unsorted list in each iteration and moves it to the beginning of an unsorted list.

T. Phithakjarukorn
T. Phithakjarukorn

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Cover Image for Merge Sort

Merge Sort

Similar to binary search, merge sort is a divide and conquer algorithm. The goal is to break down a complicated problem into sub-problems and recursively continue to divide them until we have plenty of simple problems that we can easily solve.

T. Phithakjarukorn
T. Phithakjarukorn
Cover Image for Objects


Objects are used to store keyed collections of different types of data which get more & more complex overtime.

T. Phithakjarukorn
T. Phithakjarukorn
Cover Image for DSA


In an early stage of being a software engineer, DSA or data structure & algorithm are some of the most important concepts to study. If you understand the fundamentals, you can dive deeper into the field without hesitation.

T. Phithakjarukorn
T. Phithakjarukorn
Cover Image for Array Flattening in JavaScript

Array Flattening in JavaScript

An array can contain many things such as String, Number, Boolean, Object. This is how we store an ordered collection, where each item is indexed and starts from 0.

T. Phithakjarukorn
T. Phithakjarukorn
Cover Image for Prism with Next.js

Prism with Next.js

Prism is a popular syntax highlighter commonly used with Markdown. This example shows how to use Prism with Next.js. Use the theme dropdown in the header to switch syntax highlighting themes.

T. Phithakjarukorn
T. Phithakjarukorn
Cover Image for Props & State in React

Props & State in React

Conceptually, components are like JavaScript functions. They accept arbitrary inputs called “props” and return React elements describing what should appear on the screen.

T. Phithakjarukorn
T. Phithakjarukorn